
Maha Energy AB (The “Company” or “Maha”) announces December 31, 2018 Reserve Report

Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
February 18, 2019

Maha Energy AB (The "Company" or "Maha") announces December 31, 2018 Reserve Report

Chapman Petroleum Engineering Ltd. (“Chapman”) has completed their annual reserve determination for the Company.  While overall oil 2P reserves are down by approximately 5% compared to year end 2017, primarily due to a decrease in the assumed recoverability of the LAK reserves; the Company’s Brazil reserves did increase markedly (see below).

Maha Reserves1 as at 31 December 2018

2018 Maha Energy AB Net Oil Reserves before income tax
(million barrels)
  LAK Tie Tartaruga2   Total
1P 0.053 4.584 3.808   8.445
2P 8.801 10.734 12.157   31.692
3P 14.224 12.338 31.234   57.796

  2018 Maha Energy AB Net Conventional Natural Gas Reserves before income tax
    Tie Field  
    (billion SCF)  
  1P 2.757  
  2P 6.454  
  3P 7.419  

The main changes to this years’ reserve volumes are:

  • 4.7 million-barrel reduction in P50 (probable) reserves at LAK
  • 3.1 million barrels addition of P50 (probable) reserves at Tartaruga

At LAK, the probable reserves were reduced by Chapman following a review on the current rate of recovery. A significant review had not been conducted since 2014 and was required in accordance with NI51-101.  At Tartaruga, P10 (possible) reserve volumes were migrated into the P50 (probable) category by Chapman because of acceleration in development planning implemented by the Company.

1 Volumes are Net to Maha Energy AB and are expressed before royalties and taxes.
2 The Tartaruga Concession Agreement expires in 2025 but provides mechanisms for extension based on the continued productivity of the field.  Management is confident that such an extension will be approved and the reserves assume that the extension will be granted.  The following reserve volumes are attributable to the extension period: P: – 2.28 m bbls, 2P: – 6.82 m bbls and 3P: – 15.50 m bbls.
3 Chapman Petroleum Engineering Ltd. uses the following oil price forecast for Brent Spot in $USD/STB:

  2018   2019   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024   2025
$ 71.64 $ 71.50 $ 72.60 $ 76.23 $ 80.04 $ 81.64 $ 83.28 $ 84.94

The average gas price for the gas reserves at Tie Field over the next five years is forecasted by Chapman to be $1.64 USD/MSCF.

The reserves review and issuance of this reserve report for the Company was made by the independent petroleum engineering consultants Chapman Petroleum Engineering Ltd., Calgary, Canada. The report has been calculated in accordance with the standards set out in the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook (COGEH), compliant with the National Instrument NI 51-101 standards and the professional practice standard under the Permit to Practice.

Maha Energy AB, through its subsidiaries owns and operates a legal and beneficial 75% working interest in the SES-107D Block (Tartaruga) onshore Sergipe State Brazil, a 99% working interest in the LAK Ranch heavy oil field in Wyoming USA, and a 100% working interest in the Tie Field onshore Bahia State Brazil.

About reserves

Reserves are estimated remaining quantities of oil and natural gas and related substances anticipated to be recoverable from known accumulations, as of a given date, based on:

  • analysis of drilling, geological, geophysical, and engineering data,
  • the use of established technology, and
  • specified economic conditions, which are generally accepted as being reasonable, and shall be disclosed

Reserves are classified according to the degree of certainty associated with the estimates.
Proved reserves (P90) are those reserves that can be estimated with a high degree of certainty to be recoverable. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the estimated proved reserves (1P).

Probable reserves (P50) are those additional reserves that are less certain to be recovered than proved reserves. It is equally likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will be greater or less than the sum of the estimated proved + probable reserves (2P).

Possible reserves (P10) are those additional reserves that are less certain to be recovered than probable reserves. It is unlikely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the sum of the estimated proved + probable + possible reserves (3P).

Certified Advisor: FNCA Sweden AB,, Telephone: +46-8-528 00 399.

For more information, please contact:        

Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        

Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


This information is published in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on February 18, 2019, at 3:00 am CET.

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and to develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on a global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil, and LAK Ranch in Wyoming, U.S.A. For more information, please visit our website

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Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) (“Securities Act”) or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.


Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or the “Company”) January Production Volumes

­­­Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
February 4, 2019

Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or the “Company”) January Production Volumes

Production Volumes

The Company's aggregate sales production for the month of January totaled 67,5541 barrels of oil and 24.874 million scf of gas for a combined average production of approximately 2,313 BOE/day2, before royalties and taxes.

The routine scheduled refinery maintenance in Brazil (see January 2, 2019 press release) continued for the first six days into January.  This resulted in approximately 7,900 barrels of oil being deferred for future delivery. During the second half of January the Company produced an average of 2,588 BOEPD.

The previously announced capital program for 2018 continues to temporarily affect production from the Tartaruga Field and will continue to do so until the work is complete.  The Tartaruga Field was shut in for a total of 31 days in January due to the planned 7TTG and 107D intervention work. 

1   Subject to minor standard industry adjustments at the time of custody transfer.
2   Barrels of oil equivalent ("BOE") conversion ratio of 6,000 scf: 1 bbl is used.

Certified Advisor: FNCA Sweden AB,, Telephone : +46-8-528 00 399.

For more information, please contact:        

Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on February 4, 2019, at 3:00 a.m. (CET)

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil and LAK Ranch, in Wyoming, U.S. For more information, please visit our website

Important Information

Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) (“Securities Act”) or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.


Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or the “Company”) Announces Company Operational Update on 107D Horizontal Sidetrack and Tie Field Drilling Program

­­­Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
January 7, 2019

Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or the “Company”) Announces Company Operational Update on 107D Horizontal Sidetrack and Tie Field Drilling Program

The Company is pleased to provide the following update from its operations in Brazil:


Further to the Company’s November 22, 2018 press release – drilling of the 107D horizontal sidetrack was completed on December 18, 2018 and reached a Total Depth of 3661 m.  The total length drilled in the Penedo 1 sandstone was 504 m. and encountered a total of 409 m. of sandstone of which a total of 328 m. contained very good to excellent oil and gas shows. This confirms the Company’s expectation that by horizontally drilling the Penedo sands – a much wider productive area can be accessed than the previous wells which should result in higher production rates.

Preparations were then made to run a 4-1/2” slotted liner to complete the well, but deteriorating hole conditions made the running of the 4-1/2” liner to 3661 m. impossible. Instead, a smaller 3-1/2” liner has been worked to a depth of 3267 m. at which point it could go no further.   A gross interval of 394 m. of the horizontally drilled section of the well will be left barefoot’, (Open Hole Completion1) of which 218 m. encountered very good to excellent oil and gas shows.  The 110 m. lined section encountered 94 m of sand which were described to have ‘excellent’ oil and gas shows.

Preparations are now underway to selectively perforate the lined section of the horizontal and then complete the well using a dedicated 2-7/8” jet pump.  Because of the reduction in liner size, a non-standard perforating string will have to be mobilized which will require some specialty equipment and additional planning. As such the rig will now be moved to the adjacent 7TTG well where it will complete the fishing job, add perforations and stimulate the Penedo 1 sandstone before returning to perforate and complete the 3-1/2” liner on the 107D well.

The 7TTG well has produced some 327,000 barrels of oil from the Penedo 6 sandstone, and the planned workover for 7TTG involves adding perforations in the Penedo 1 sandstone and recompleting the well with its own jet pump.  This work was originally planned for June/July 2018, but a stuck 3-1/2” tubing prevented the work to be completed last summer due to the workover rig limitations.  The rig currently on site is a much larger rig and is expected to recover the stuck 3-1/2” tubing quickly.  Once the drilling rig is on the 7TTG well, it is expected to take 14 days to fish, recomplete and stimulate the well, after which the well will be placed on production.  The rig move is planned to take 10 days.

Tie Field

Due to the continued delays at Tartaruga, the Company contracted a second drilling rig to commence operations at the Tie field.  This drilling rig is currently finishing up drilling operations at a nearby location and is expected to be rigged up at the Tie field in approximately 2 weeks.

The Attic well will drill and complete the producing Agua Grande and Sergi formations at a crestal position of the producing Tie Field.  An additional objective of the Attic well is to penetrate the previously undrilled Boipeba formation.  The Boipeba target is a three-way dip-closed fault bounded structure that has not been explored at the Tie Field previously.

The Attic well is expected to take 30 – 60 days to drill, test and complete.

The CEO Jonas Lindvall commented: “We are very pleased with the drilling results of the 107D horizontal hole so far.  We proved up the continuous nature of the sand which allows for this type of drainage technology to be applied on future wells.  We are also excited about the very good to excellent oil and gas shows documented throughout the drilled sandstone.  The hole conditions were very tough, and future horizontals will be designed differently whereby the hole section leading up the horizontal hole will be cased off before drilling the horizontal.”

2018 Capital Plan

The completion of the 107D Sidetrack and the workover at 7TTG took longer and were more difficult than anticipated. While the final costs are being evaluated, it is expected the two Tartaruga projects are approximately 25% over budget combined. At the Tie Field, the drilling of the Attic Well, the proposed water supply well and the last work on GTE3 will occur in 2019. Fortunately, much of the other work at the Tie Field and LAK Field in the 2018 Capital Plan that has been completed, was well under budget. As at the end of November 2018, the overall cost over run for the adjusted 2018 budget is 6%. The Company remains optimistic, once all the numbers are in, the overall cost of the adjusted 2018 Capital Program will be within 10% of original budgeted amounts notwithstanding the above delays and difficulties. 

1 Whilst an ‘Open Hole Completion’ is the preferred method of completing wells in most cases; in this case, there is a slightly heightened risk of future hole collapse which could possibly restrict production.  Given the circumstances, it is deemed as an acceptable risk. 

The Adviser

FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser.   

For more information, please contact:        

Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on January 7, 2019, at 3:00 a.m. (CET)

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil and LAK Ranch, in Wyoming, U.S. For more information, please visit our website

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Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) (“Securities Act”) or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.


Maha Energy AB December Production Volumes

­­­Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
January 2, 2019

Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or the “Company”) December Production Volumes

Production Volumes

The Company's aggregate sales production for the month of December totaled 66,8831 barrels of oil and 23.980 million scf of gas for a combined average production of approximately 2,286 BOE/day2, before royalties and taxes.

An unexpected power outage at the beginning of December at the Tie production facility and routine scheduled maintenance at the local refinery during the Holiday period contributed to a reduction in the total production volumes from the Tie Field during the month.

The previously announced capital program for 2018 continues to temporarily affect production from the Tartaruga Field and will continue to do so until the work is complete.  The Tartaruga Field was shut in for a total of 31 days in December due to the planned 7TTG and 107D intervention work. 

1   Subject to minor standard industry adjustments at the time of custody transfer.
2   Barrels of oil equivalent ("BOE") conversion ratio of 6,000 scf: 1 bbl is used.


FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser.   

For more information, please contact:        

Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on January 2, 2019, at 3:00 a.m. (CET)

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil and LAK Ranch, in Wyoming, U.S. For more information, please visit our website

Important Information

Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) (“Securities Act”) or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.


Maha Energy AB: November Production Volumes

­­­Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
December 3, 2018

Maha Energy AB (publ) ("Maha" or the "Company") November Production Volumes.

Production Volumes

The Company's aggregate sales production for the month of November totaled 75,8701 barrels of oil and 35.724 million scf of gas for a combined average production of approximately 2,727 BOE/day2, before royalties and taxes.

During the month of November, the accelerated construction of a temporary second loading bay at the Tie field was completed.  This allowed for more than predicted crude oil to be sold during the month.

Jonas Lindvall, CEO of Maha Energy AB, commented: "November oil production set another production record for Maha.  We are grateful to all the Maha employees working tirelessly to get the oil to market in Brazil.  It is especially pleasing to see how the innovativeness of our production personnel led to the construction of a temporary loading bay which in turn led to higher production numbers."

The temporary loading bay will be in operation until the Tie Field upgrades are completed later this year/early 2019, when multiple new bays will be operational, allowing several trucks to be loaded simultaneously.

The previously announced capital program for 2018 continues to temporarily affect production from the Tartaruga Field and will continue to do so until the work is complete.  The Tartaruga Field was shut in for a total of 30 days in November due to the planned 7TTG and 107D intervention work.

1Subject to minor standard industry adjustments at the time of custody transfer.
2Barrels of oil equivalent ("BOE") conversion ratio of 6,000 scf: 1 bbl is used.


FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser.

For more information, please contact:

Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on December 3, 2018, at 3:00 a.m. (CET)

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil and LAK Ranch, in Wyoming, U.S. For more information, please visit our website

Important Information

Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) ("Securities Act") or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.

2018-12-03 Production Numbers Update

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Maha Energy AB via Globenewswire

Maha Energy AB: Announces Filing of Third Quarter Report

Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
29 November 2018

This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions.
Maha Energy ABAnnounces Filing of Third Quarter Report

Maha Energy AB (publ) ("Maha" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its third quarter results.  The report is attached to this press release and available on the Company's website at

Third Quarter 2018

  • Daily oil & gas production for the third quarter averaged 1,565 BOEPD (Q3 2017: 1,671 BOEPD). The Tartaruga field continues to be shut-in during the third quarter as a result of ongoing drilling operations at 107D.
  • Revenue of USD 9.0 million (Q3 2017: USD 6.2 million)
  • EBITDA of USD 5.4 million (Q3 2017: USD 2.3 million)
  • Net result for the period of USD 3.2 million (Q3 2017: USD -0.4 million)
  • Earnings per share of USD 0.03 (Q3 2017: USD 0.00)
  • Operating netback of USD 6.6 million or USD 46.17 per barrel (Q3 2017: USD 3.9 million or USD 25.58 per barrel)
  • Current unrestricted Cash and cash equivalents balance of USD 22.2 million

Nine Months Ended 30 September 2018

  • Daily oil & gas production for the nine months 2018 averaged 1,585 BOEPD (2017: 687 BOEPD).
  • Revenue of USD 25.5 million (2017: USD 7.7 million)
  • EBITDA of USD 13.9 million (2017: USD 0.3 million)
  • Net result for the period of 7.4 USD million (2017: USD -5.3 million)
  • Earnings per share of USD 0.08 (2017: USD -0.06)
  • Operating netback of 17.5 USD million or 40.70 USD per barrel (2017: 4.1 USD million or 22.86 USD per barrel)


(TUSD, unless otherwise noted) Q3 2018 Q2 2018 Q1 2018 Q4 2017[1] Q3 2017 Nine Months 2018 Nine Months 2017 FY 2017
Net Daily Production (BOEPD) 1,565 1,429 1,762 1,597 1,671 1,585 687 917
Revenue 9,049 7,859 8,629 6,939 6,173 25,537 7,665 14,604
EBITDA 5,392 3,960 4,566 2,930 2,259 13,918 283 3,213
Net result for the period 3,213 1,859 2,306 2,482([2]) (402) 7,378 (5,331) (2,849)
Earnings per share (USD) 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 (0.00) 0.08 (0.06) (0.03)
Cash and cash equivalents 22,292 20,914 22,779 18,729 18,372 22,292 18,372 18,729

Letter to Shareholders

Dear Friends and Fellow Shareholders of Maha Energy AB,

I am pleased to present our third quarter report that Maha demonstrates a continuing strong financial position notwithstanding the "feverish pace" of our field level capital and production operations.  Maha's transformational "three pronged" (drilling, surface facilities expansion and crude oil and gas offtake arrangements at each field) program to increase production dominated the quarter.  Despite slightly lower than anticipated Q3 production numbers (due to extended shut in at Tartaruga while drilling is completed) the buoyant oil price resulted in a record earning quarter for the Company.

Tartaruga Field

While delays were experienced at the Tartaruga operations (including the 107D sidetrack) we are pleased the capital program is now fully "back on track".  The Drilling Rig finished mobilization on 20 September, and the 107 D well was thereafter re-entered and prepared for a horizontal sidetrack.  As announced on October 17 – the drill-string parted necessitating repairs to the Drilling Rig and fishing of the drill-string.  Happily, drilling is again underway to complete the horizontal sidetrack at Tartaruga.  On completion of the 107D sidetrack, the Drilling Rig will be moved over to the 7TTG well where a new Penedo zone will be perforated and brought on production.  While the delays at Tartaruga reduced the production volumes and pushed back the drilling of the 'Attic Well' at the Tie Field; better than expected production results from Tie Field and the "new rig" for the Attic Well (see below) largely mitigate these effects.

Tie Field

At the end of Q3, the GTE-3 producing well was reconfigured to allow comingled production after technical problems hindered the short string to be selectively produced, as planned.  The comingling of these two zones is temporary and once the Tie Field facilities are expanded to handle 5,000 BOPD; GTE-3 will be worked over to allow both zones to produce individually, which translates to higher production volumes.  At the end of Q3, the Tie Field facilities were producing at maximum capacity.

As recently announced, a second drilling rig to drill the Attic Well has been contracted.   This decision was taken to ensure that the 2019 production goal does not fall behind due to the delays at Tartaruga.  Increased production from the Tie Field, Maha's principal producing asset, largely mitigates the production shut in at Tartaruga at a Corporate level.  The expected production from the 107D Sidetrack and the Attic Well will be the "gravy" to the already tremendously successful program!

Last, the final phase at the Tie Field facilities expansion is being completed including the new separators, water injection skids, tanks and other processing equipment that are, as this is written, being installed and commissioned.

LAK Field

At the end of the Q3 – Maha commenced the planned eight well drilling program at LAK Ranch in Wyoming.  The program was completed approximately 2 weeks ahead of schedule and below budget.  The purpose of this campaign was to finish what was started in 2014/15 but delayed because of the dip in commodity prices.  We now have six horizontal (or near horizontal) production wells supported by nine vertical water injectors (which wells are in the process of being tied in) which completes this Phase of the new hot water injection plan.  We anticipate the eight wells drilled this year will cause LAK to consistently deliver net back positive cashflow.  Based on the near-term results from the now completed 'Phase 3" program, we will decide how we best to proceed with this asset.


We look forward with great anticipation to Q4 2018 especially the completion and testing of the 107D horizontal sidetrack and completion of the Tie Field facility expansion.

I continue to be grateful for all the support we receive from our family of "Maha Investors" and as we quickly move towards the end of 2018 – I am sure we will look back and conclude this was as a truly transformational year for Maha.  Finally, I wish everyone Happy Holidays.

"Jonas Lindvall"
Managing Director

Q3 Webcast

There will be a live webcast tomorrow, 30 November at 1600 CET (Stockholm time) to review and discuss Maha Energy's Third Quarter results and to provide an operational update. The webcast will be broadcast live on Nyhetsbyrån Direkts Youtube Channel and will be hosted by Laikas Mr. Mats Jonsson and will feature Maha Energy's CEO Jonas Lindvall and Maha Energy's CFO Andres Modarelli. For further details please consult the Company's website:


FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser.

For more information, please contact:          
Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Andres Modarelli (CFO)
Tel: +1-403-454-7560


This information is published in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on November 29, 2018, at 3:00 am CET.

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil and LAK Ranch, in Wyoming, U.S. For more information, please visit our website

Important Information

Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) ("Securities Act") or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.

[1] Q4 2017 figures include previously disclosed changes to the 2017 Fourth Quarter Report in April 30, 2018 press release

[2] Includes positive adjustment of TUSD 1,423 in relation to FY 2017. Result for the Q4 2017 period before adjustment was $1,059 and Earnings per share of 0.01.

Maha Energy 2018_Q3 Report Press Release
Maha Energy 2018_Q3 Report

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Maha Energy AB via Globenewswire

Maha Energy AB: Announces Company Operational Update on 107D Horizontal Sidetrack and Revised Tie Field Drilling Program and Capital Update

­­­Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
November 22, 2018

Maha Energy AB (publ) ("Maha" or the "Company")Announces Company Operational Update on 107D Horizontal Sidetrack and Revised Tie Field Drilling Program and Capital Update

The Company is pleased to provide the following Operational Update from its operations in Brazil.


107D Horizontal Sidetrack ("Sidetrack")
Further to the Press Releases of October 30, and November 5, 2018, the Company is pleased to announce that the parted drillstring has now been recovered down to 2,850 meters.  A new window in the 7" casing has now also been milled and preparations have now commenced to drill the last phase of the operation – the horizontal portion of the Sidetrack.  The parted drillstring and the subsequent recovery operations have added 5 weeks to the scheduled time for the completion of the Sidetrack.   The 107D Horizontal Sidetrack is now expected to be completed in 30 days from today.

7TTG Well
Upon completion of the 107D Horizontal Sidetrack, the Drilling Rig will be moved across the production pad from the 107D well to the 7TTG well.  The move is expected to take 10 days.  Once rigged up on the 7TTG well, the rig will fish the stuck 3-1/2" tubing that was severed earlier this year.  Once the 3-1/2" tubing has been recovered, the 7TTG well will be perforated and stimulated in the Penedo 1 sand.  The perforation and stimulation is expected to take no more than 14 days.

Tie Field

Facilities Upgrades
At the Tie battery, the civil work, piping and tank construction has begun. All long lead items, such as the new 5,000 BOPD Heater Treater, are on site awaiting hook up and commissioning. The battery is expected to be capable of handling 5,000 bopd and the associated natural gas before December 31, 2018 but some minor elements of construction will carry into 2019 with completion expected before the end of Q1 2019.

The jet pump facilities at GTE3 are complete and the Company expects that the similar facilities at GTE4 will also be completed prior to December 31, 2018.  Facilities for the Attic well are underway and are synergistic with GTE4.  Upgrades to the water injection facilities are well underway with expected completion date prior to the end of 2018.  An additional water source system is currently being planned with completion expected in Q1 2019.

Attic Well
Due to the delays at Tartaruga, the Company is pleased to announce it is completing arrangements for a second drilling rig to drill the previously announced "Attic Well".  The Great Holding "Rig 105" is expected to commence operations at the Tie field at the beginning of January, 2019.  Rig 105 is a working drilling rig and will be mobilized in mid-December from where it is currently drilling about 30 km from the Tie field.

The Attic Well will drill and complete the producing Agua Grande and Sergi formations at a crestal position of the producing Tie Field.  An additional objective of the Attic well is to penetrate the previously undrilled Boipeba formation.  The Boipeba formation is a three way closed fault bounded structure that has not been explored at the Tie Field previously.

The Attic well is expected to take 30 – 60 days to drill, test and complete.

2018 Capital Plan Budget

The parted drillstring, the recovery operations and equipment lost in the hole is expected to add approximately USD 1.5 million to the cost of the 107D Sidetrack budget.  Looking at the 2018 Capital Budget as whole, the Company expects that, certain cost efficiencies will be gained at other various facility projects; thus the overall cost impact of the cost overruns at 107D (Tartaruga), 7TTG (Tartaruga) and GTE3 (Tie) will be less than 5% of the original USD 23 million 2018 Capital Budget.


FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser.

For more information, please contact:

Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


This information is submitted in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulations.  The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on November 22, 2018, at 3:00 a.m. (CET)

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil and LAK Ranch, in Wyoming, U.S. For more information, please visit our website

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Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) ("Securities Act") or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.

2018-11-22 Operational Update

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Maha Energy AB via Globenewswire

Maha Energy AB: Announces Company Operational Update on 107D Horizontal Sidetrack and LAK Drilling Program

­­­Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
November 5, 2018

Maha Energy AB (publ) ("Maha" or the "Company") Announces Company Operational Update on 107D Horizontal Sidetrack and LAK Drilling Program

The Company is pleased to provide the following Operational Update from its operations in Brazil and Wyoming.

107 D
Further to the announcement on October 30, 2018, the Company is pleased to announce that the damage to the Drilling Rig has now been assessed and repaired.  As of today, the Drilling Rig is again fully operational.  Part of the parted drillstring has already been recovered and focus is now on recovering the remaining parts of the parted drillstring and resuming drilling operations.

LAK Ranch
The Capstar #302 Drilling Rig was mobilized on September 20, 2018 to the LAK Ranch oil field.  The first of 8 wells was spudded on September 21, 2018.  The 8 well drilling program is now complete with all 8 wells having been drilled and completed.  The Drilling Rig was demobilized on 3 November, 2018 and the program was completed 2 weeks ahead of schedule and within budget.  Operations are now focused on hooking these new wells up to the facilities and commencing production and injection operations.


FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser.

For more information, please contact:

Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on November 5, 2018, at 3:15 a.m. (CET)

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil and LAK Ranch, in Wyoming, U.S. For more information, please visit our website

Important Information

Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) ("Securities Act") or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.

2018-11-05 Operational Update

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Maha Energy AB via Globenewswire

Maha Energy AB: October Production Volumes

­­­Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
November 2, 2018

Maha Energy AB (publ) ("Maha" or the "Company") October Production Volumes.

Production Volumes

The Company's aggregate sales production for the month of October totaled 68,0331 barrels of oil and 30.413 million scf of gas for a combined average production of approximately 2,358 BOE/day2, before royalties and taxes.

The previously announced capital program for 2018 (the "2018 Capital Plan") continues to temporarily affect production from the Tartaruga Field and will continue to do so until the work is complete.  The Tartaruga Field was shut in for a total of 31 days in October as the  the planned 7TTG and 107D intervention work continues.

1Subject to minor standard industry adjustments at the time of custody transfer
2Barrels of oil equivalent ("BOE") conversion ratio of 6,000 scf: 1 bbl is used


FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser.

For more information, please contact:

Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on November 2, 2018, at 5:00 a.m. (CET)

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil and LAK Ranch, in Wyoming, U.S. For more information, please visit our website

Important Information

Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) ("Securities Act") or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.

2018-11-02 Production Numbers Update

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Maha Energy AB via Globenewswire

Maha Energy AB: Announces Delay on 107D Horizontal Sidetrack

­­­Maha Energy AB (publ)
Biblioteksgatan 1
SE-111 46 Stockholm

Press release
October 30, 2018

Maha Energy AB (publ) ("Maha" or the "Company") Announces Delay on 107D Horizontal Sidetrack

The Company provides the following Operational Update from its operations on the Tartaruga 107 D Horizontal sidetrack Brazil.


As part of the current drilling operations at 107-D, the crew was pulling on the drill string to free a piece of lodged equipment.    Maha, (though operating within the operating tolerances of the Drilling Rig and drill pipe), experienced an unexpected accidental parting of the drill-string at approximately 70 meters.  The parting of the drill string did cause some damage to the topdrive system on the drilling rig the extent to which is currently being evaluated.  As of today, all operations are suspended until damage to the Drilling Rig is assessed and Maha develops its revised drilling plan, cost estimates and schedule. Maha expects to make further announcements in this regard in the next 7-10 days.

Jonas Lindvall commented "This is an unusual incident and we are investigating why the drill-pipe parted whilst operating within normal operating limits.  It is particularly frustrating that it happened so close to the end of the horizontal sidetrack."


FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser.

For more information, please contact:

Jonas Lindvall (CEO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


Ron Panchuk (CCO)
Tel: +1 403 454 7560        


The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on October 30, 2018, at 1:30 am (CET)

Maha in Brief

Maha Energy AB is a Swedish public limited liability company. FNCA Sweden AB has been engaged as Certified Adviser. The Company's auditors are Deloitte. The Company's predecessor Maha Energy Inc. was founded in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, by Jonas Lindvall and Ron Panchuk. In May 2016, the new group was formed with Maha Energy AB as parent company for purposes completing an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Sweden stock exchange. Jonas Lindvall, CEO and Managing Director, has 26 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry, starting his career with Lundin Oil during the early days of E&P growth.  After 6 years at Shell and Talisman, Jonas joined, and helped secure the success of, Tethys Oil AB. Maha's strategy is to target and develop underperforming hydrocarbon assets on global basis. The Company operates three oil fields, Tartaruga and Tie in Brazil and LAK Ranch, in Wyoming, U.S. For more information, please visit our website

Important Information

Publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, of this press release could in some jurisdictions be subject to restrictions according to law and recipients of this press release, or part of it, are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, such legal restrictions. This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland or the United States, or in any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release could be illegal or subject to legal restrictions. Copies of this press release are not being made and may not be distributed or sent, in whole, or part, directly or indirectly, in violation of such restrictions. Failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a criminal act under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) ("Securities Act") or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.

2018-10-30 Operational Update

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Maha Energy AB via Globenewswire